Monday, August 29, 2016


Welcome to my new blog for the semester.  We will see if this picks up some steam as time goes on and maybe I will continue this moving forward.  I am a political junkie and am always interested in how different media outlets will cover the same story.  Thus that will be the focus of this blog, how our major media outlets "spin" the news to make it digestible for their target audience.  Personally I am a fan of AP Newswire stories, as Joe Friday would say "just the facts ma'am."  Even though I have my favorite places to go to get the slant that I find appealing I still get aggravated when there are pundits on both sides of the aisle that will flat out lie to keep on message.  Hence this is why I DVR everything and can fast forward through the weeds.  Please feel free to leave comments if there is a particular story you think I should be covering.